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篇名 中國準計畫行政體制:鄉鎮政府從企業經營到土地收租的軟預算財政
卷期 45
並列篇名 The Making of a Chinese Semi-Planned Administration: Soft Budget Constraints and Local Transition from Entrepreneur to Rentier
作者 劉雅靈
頁次 163-212
關鍵字 準計畫行政體制軟預算弊病收租者幹部目標責任制社會主義父權制Semi-planned administrationSoft budget constraintsRentierTarget responsibility systemState paternalismMEDLINETSSCI
出刊日期 201012




The author constructs the concept of a Chinese semi-planned administration to explore the grassroots transition from entrepreneur to rentier in Wenzhou, Wuxi, and Jianshi, and to analyze the pathology of local soft budget constraints throughout rural China. The argument is made that the combination of the target responsibility system, cost-shifting strategy, and state paternalism crippled the capacity of the state’s hierarchical supervision system, and corrupted local fiscal discipline. The Chinese semi-planned administration has shaped the rational thinking and patterned behaviors of township cadres, resulting in (a) squeezed spaces for township government leaders to negotiate with their superiors, (b) lower transaction costs for townships to carry debt, and (c) higher discount rates for township cadres.All of these factors have forced township cadres to pursue short-term goals in order to earn promotions, rather than long-term development goals that can benefit their localities. In addition to supporting the transitioning of township
governments from entrepreneurs to rentiers, these actions also soften local budget constraints.
