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篇名 漫遊與漂泊一一杜甫行旅詩的兩種類型
卷期 33
並列篇名 Wander and exile:two types of du fu's traveling poems
作者 廖美玉
頁次 225-265
關鍵字 杜甫行旅詩漫道漂泊化外邊睡Du fuTravciing poctrywandcrExilc sccluded countryTHCI
出刊日期 201012


嚴羽(�倉;直詩話〉指出:r唐人好詩,多在f正成、遷誦、行旅、離別之 作,往往能感動激發人意。」而離鄉背井多少都帶有對現實社會的逸離,也必然面對語言隔閩、異鄉習俗、陌生事物等衝擊與反思。杜甫一生行跡,由兩京以至吳越、齊魯、梁宋、秦廳、兩JII與兩湖,高適且階!士甫為「東西南北人J0 本文由「布衣之士」的角度切入,j盟罩杜甫青壯時期的漫避,與垂暮之年的漂 泊,觀察杜甫一再盟罩放棄相重才穩定的仕或農的謀生方式,在不斷移動並面對各式異蝴蝶俗中,更深入地捕捉對生命與生活的感受力C文中分別探rn士甫如何以r?壘遊」緩解「入穀」的政治拘限,並藉由r�壘遊」形塑生命版圖與城市印記;又如何在「漂泊」中書寫昔賢遺齣嶼窮山惡水,並且在制見歷史碎片與化外邊睡的幽居寺僧、互古民居中,以更為寬廣遼闊的視野,更清楚認識並且堅持自己的理念,努力在現實成就以外尋找可以獲得適當定位的座標,進而發掘隱藏於主I丈明之外的人'生與文化


n Cang Lang Shi Hua (滄浪詩話), Yan Yu pointed out that warsrelegations, travels and separations were the most adorable topics of poems for people in the Tang Dynasty. A man outside his hometown not only lost his social connections but also faced various problems such as new languages
different customs and unfamiliar things. Du Fu visited almost all over China during his life in many kinds of forms so that Gao Shi claimed him as a“man of everywhere." By observing his travels before his old age and his exile life in his old age, this article reveals the meaning of Du Fu's move and the way he faced cultural differences. These new adventures expanded his horizons and made him more sensible, which explains why he repeatedly quitted steady jobs like being a farmer or an officer. Even in exile, Du Fu depicted the relics of the past, dangerous landscapes, monks and ancient houses, and insisted on his life goal when continuously revising it. Du Fu made efforts to find out his best position outside the society, and successfully exhibited in his works the people beyond the mainstream and their cultures.
