
國立中正大學法學集刊 TSSCI

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篇名 涉外智慧財產民事事件之國際裁判管轄與準據法
卷期 31
並列篇名 Jurisdiction and Applicable Law in Transnational Intellectual Property Civil Disputes
作者 蔡華凱
頁次 057-115
關鍵字 涉外智慧財產國際裁判管轄準據法International jurisdictionApplicable lawChoice of lawIntellectual propertyTSSCI
出刊日期 201010


2009 年11 月19 日與20 日,司法院舉辦「國際管轄權與準據法之選擇-以智慧財產民事訴訟為中心」研討會,請來本文作者留學期間之指導教授日本神戶大學法學研究所中野俊一郎教授與早稻田大學法學研究所木棚照一兩位發表專題演講,本文作者並針對我國之學說理論與裁判實務進行專題報告。本文即以當初專題報告之架構為藍本,對於引用資料與研討會後裁判實務之動向進行補充與追蹤,使整篇文章更加完整。智慧財產權的相關法學研究,素來為我國學界與實務界所重視,惟其與國際私法學與國際民事程序法學之間的關係,在我國的研究則相對薄弱,與國際社會之間有相當嚴重的脫節。針對此點,本文在壹、前言的部份就指出,目前最受國際社會矚目的,就屬2008 年美國法律學院「智慧財產權:跨國爭訟中適用於管轄、選法暨裁判之承認與執行之原則」,以及歐洲Max-Planck-Group 所草擬之「智慧財產之衝突法原則(準備草案第二稿)」。兩個草案分別代表英美法系理論與大陸法系理論對跨國智慧財產權之民事爭訟,特別是國際私法學固有的領域,管轄權、選法與承認執行等提出立法上的建議,對於我國的學術研究或是立法修法,乃至於裁判實務,都具有極高之參考價值。國際私法學在我國學界與實務界向來不受重視,因此本文於貳的部分,即針對目前無明文規定的國際裁判管轄問題,其基礎理論、決定方法與我國涉外裁判實務上的立場,以及針對涉外智慧財產民事訴訟的管轄權各論,做一體系性的整理。本文三則針對涉外智慧財產權之權利本身、受侵害時與權利讓與時之準據法問題進行理論上的說明;並於肆的部分,配合貳與參中所述之方法,對我國的學說與實務現況進行檢討,提出具體的建言。


This essay is a set of principles on jurisdiction and applicable law in civil aspect regarding transnational intellectual propertyrights,composed in a manner that endeavors to bridge the gap between private international law and intellectual property law in Taiwan. Since domestic laws were created principally to regulate rights protected within state borders, they no longer can apply parochial rules in seeking to resolve intellectual property rights disputes which spill over those borders. It is therefore necessary to provide legal certainty and predictability as to the international jurisdiction of courts and the applicable law as well as to facilitate the flow of trade and information exchange across borders.In this essay, it considers that intellectual property rights are
private rights, limited in their exercise and enforcement to specific territories, and that each state is subject to international obligations, to regulate where and under which conditions intangible goods shall enjoy
legal protection. Building on existing rules and theories on private
international law and intellectual property laws in Taiwan, these
principles set up by this article offer a very concrete criterion and
clear-cut guideline for the legal practice.
