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篇名 國小過動症學生之藥物治療調查研究
卷期 9
並列篇名 The Survey of Medication Conditions of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Students in Elementary Schools
作者 謝瓊慧孟瑛如
頁次 047-062
關鍵字 利他能注意力缺陷過動症專思達藥物治療Gifted educationIndependence studyGifted class of junior high school
出刊日期 201012


本研究旨在瞭解國小ADHD(Childrenwith Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder'簡稱ADHD)藥物治療的情形,以分層立意取樣的方式進行問卷調查研 究,研究對象為全台灣之國小注意力缺陷過動症學生,母群體有25180人,有效樣本之教師版有502份、學生版475份、家長版165份,研究對象為全台灣之國小注意力缺陷過動症學生,主要研究如下:一、國小ADHD學生藥物治療情形:多數國小ADHD學生有使用過藥物治療且以使用過利他能者佔多數,有33.8%服用過藥物者是在國小一年級就開始用藥且隨年級增長而逐年遞減;換藥或停藥的原因以藥物不良副作用居多。二、服用藥物前後行為改變情形:服用利他能或專思達者,其服藥前後的行為皆有顯著差異,但服用利他能或專思達者,在服藥後行為的平均數並沒有達到顯著差異,表示利他能與專思達對國小ADHD學生在行為改善上有明顯效果,但兩者間的療效並無顯著差異。三、藥物副作用情形:藥物副作用前三名為食慾不佳、情緒低落、體重減輕。四、服藥習慣情形:服藥習慣方面,有按時服藥者佔79.0%'有按劑量服藥者佔87.8%。


The pu中ose of this research was to study junior high school gifted
education teachers by analyzing their teaching experiences in the
instruction of their students.Questionnaires were given to examine the current status of 57 teachers in Kaohsiung with predicament and needs. An analysis of the research result was conducted by descriptive statistics. A depth interview was engaged on six subjects, who were the independence study instructors. The researcher concluded two findings as follows: First, the source problems these teachers face came from the students, teachers themselves, the parents and the environments. Second, their needs were threefold: to enhance their knowledge on how to instruct their students, to learn how to organize independence study curricula, and to gain teaching materials for reference.
