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篇名 完全自償BOT專案融資案銀行團與特許公司最佳出資比例的範圍之研究
卷期 26:1
並列篇名 The analyisi of the optimum capital structure self-finance of bot projects
作者 陳博亮熊慧娟戴玉珍鄭一俊林志蒼
頁次 013-025
關鍵字 BOT專案融資回歸分析線性規劃最佳出資BOTproject financingregression analysislinear programmingoptimal capital structureEIScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201103


國內重大的民間參與國家建設案,如臺灣高鐵案、高雄捷運案及松山至中正機場之捷運案,因資金無法到位、工程逾期完成等種種問題,使得BOT 計畫面臨失敗的可能性。對國內BOT 案最大融資者之國內聯貸銀行而言,聯貸銀行將受到因操作不當,或專案公司無法如期償還債務,致使聯貸銀行承受鉅額損失。BOT案之融資模式是屬於專案融資,一般專案融資案計畫複雜度高、計畫期長,不同於一般傳統借貸。因此融資銀行所承受計畫風險之可能性與複雜度均變高,所以完整且可靠的財務可行性分析模式的建構,與詳實的風險分析及風險管理是專案融資案非常之重要研究課題。影響銀行團及投資者決定計畫是否可行,一個重要因素為銀行團與投資者雙方對於專案出資之比例。就投資者而言,在專案計畫可行範圍內出資比例愈低對其財務負擔愈小,但對於銀行團而言投資者出資比例愈低則債務償還率(DSCR)亦會隨之下降,融資違約機率風險勢必隨之上升,如何造成雙贏取得平衡,專案之投資者最佳出資比為重要之研究議題。本研究依工程經濟、統計分析及線性規劃等理論,推導並建立一套模擬專案融資財務之數學模式,另採用國外文獻之電廠資料為案例,進行實證分析研究。最後,並以銀行角度配合投資者股東權益觀點,利用PFEM(project financeevaluation model)模式探討電力BOT 專案財務特性及投資者最佳出資比例之範圍。經PFEM模式分析結果顯示,電廠BOT專案累計淨現金流量財務特性為:在施工興建期間(1~4年)其累計淨現金流量由0逐漸下降至第四年支出最大,自償還期開始至營運期結束現金流量逐漸由負往正方向上升,在未折現前及各種不同出資比之情況下,還本年限約7.8~8.6 年之間。有關最佳資本結構之最佳出資比方面,考慮投資者及銀行團之角色,各以獲利指標IRR值及ADSCR值為線性方程式之目標函數,求得γop = 21.79%(股東角度之股東最佳出資比)及γmax = 34.36%(銀行角度之股東最大出資比),此分析結果可供雙方決定貸款比率時之參考。


There are many mega-BOT projects being built in Taiwan, such as the Taiwan High Speed Rail project, the Kaohsiung MRT project, and the MRT
line to the Taoyuan airport project. These projects have encountered some
problems, such as cost overruns, delays, and problems raising financial
backing. These problems lead to the possible failure of the projects, as
well as the loss of the banks’ investment. BOT projects are financing
schemes which becomes more complicated as the projects become larger or
longer term. Consequently, risk evaluation and control are vital for such
BOT projects.Another important issue is the determination of the optimum capital structure of BOT projects. Less investment by investors may increase the IRR (internal rate of return) of the project, but decrease the DSCR (debt service cover ratio) of the project. A small DSCR will enhance the probability of default of the BOT projects.A project finance evaluation model (PFEM) is developed to analyze project financial characteristics and to determine the optimum capital structure of a case study of an electricity project. The results show that the payback period of the case study is 7.8~8.6 years. And the optimumcapital structure is 21.79% to 34.36%. This information is useful for bankers’ and investors’ reference.
