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篇名 Implementing the Global Plan of Action for Workers' Health
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 執行全球勞工健康行動計畫
作者 Marilyn A. Fingerhut
頁次 182-195
關鍵字 勞工健康全球計劃世界衛生組織Worker healthGlobal planWorld health organization
出刊日期 201006



This article was set out to illustrate how strong partnering can assist countries to better protect the health and safety of workers affected by globalization and new technology, and to invite new partners to collaborate with the activities of World Health Organization (WHO) Global Network of Collaborating Centers in Occupational Health. Two Resolutions passed by the WHO World Health Assembly to address the health and safety of workers were introduced, including the Global Strategy on Occupational Health for All, endorsed in 1996, and the Global Plan of Action on Workers' Health 2008-2017, endorsed in 2007. Examples of deliverables achieved, anticipated by 2012, and gaps to be filled were discussed. Further intensive focus will be designed into the next Global Workplan for 2013-2017.
