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篇名 大學生對圖書館行動服務需求之研究
卷期 73
並列篇名 Undergraduates' Demand for Mobile Services in University Libraries
作者 林惠美陳昭珍
頁次 036-046
關鍵字 大學圖書館行動服務行動載具University librariesMobile servicesMobile device
出刊日期 201005




The development of mobile technology enables information access and retrieving to be even faster and more convenient. The more theinformation needs become diversified, the more effort the University Library pursues to keep pace with the new trends. With an aim to realize how
undergraduates use mobile device and what mobile services they are expecting from libraries, this paper, a case study of National Taiwan Normal University, investigates undergraduates’ cognition and their demands toward mobile services by a questionnaire survey. The result shows most respondents are using laptops as a major mobile
device. “Personalized services” and “library collection search” are two items that most frequently utilized. In addition, the price always serves as a critical factor in appealing students to apply mobile services.
