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篇名 公共圖書館共用數位資源管理應用模式探討
卷期 73
並列篇名 Application Models of Management in Public Library Digital Resources Sharing
作者 賴忠勤
頁次 047-059
關鍵字 共用數位資源電子資料庫電子書數位學習教材視訊隨選公共圖書館國立臺中圖書館Digital resources sharingElectronic databaseE-bookE-learning materialVideo on demandPublic libraryNational Taichung Library
出刊日期 201005




This paper intends to analyze the interfaces and authorization mechanisms of digital resources sharing by examining the digital resources management systems established by National Taichung Library for the purpose of providing the service of digital resources sharing in public libraries, including electronic databases, e-books, digital audio and video resources, and e-learning materials. The analyzed systems include General Access to Public Library Digital Resources, E-book Service Interface, Online Audio-Visual Media Center (VOD system), and Distance Learning Center (E-learning system). This paper finally points out some issues related to current applications of digital resources and future development of management systems in public libraries. These issues should be considered in order to formulate more reasonable authorization mechanisms and expand the scope of digital resources sharing in public librarie
