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篇名 學校圖書館支援閱讀教學之探析--以快樂晨讀為例
卷期 73
並列篇名 Reading Instruction Supported by School Library: A Case Study of Morning Reading Program
作者 曾品方
頁次 060-071
關鍵字 學校圖書館教學支援閱讀教學晨讀School libraryTeaching supportReading instructionMorning reading
出刊日期 201005




This study adopts the Morning Reading Program of Taipei Municipal Wanxing Elementary School as the research subject to investigate the model of teaching support provided by school libraries. Research results of this study reveal the following aspects, from which school libraries may provide teaching aid for student reading activities: organizing study groups to improve teachers’ professional abilities, building up library collections to enrich teaching and learning resources, developing teachers’ information skills to integrate a variety of teaching strategies, participating in teaching projects to establish research partnerships, and formulating teaching evaluation system to enhance the level of teaching support.
