
女學學誌:婦女與性別研究 THCITSSCI

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篇名 摩托車的陽剛氣質與階級,1930s-2007
卷期 26
並列篇名 Masculinities, Class, and the Making of Motorcycle Users in Taiwan, 1930s-2007
作者 駱冠宏
頁次 087-133
關鍵字 摩托車STS階級陽剛氣質motorcyclesSTSclassmasculinityTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201006


本文探究台灣過去七十年來,摩托車(motorcycle)階級與陽剛氣質間的交纏與轉變。分析材料包括使用者的口述訪談,並搭配機車廣告、報導及其他相關文獻。本文發現,1 0 年代摩托車的主要使用者為男性菁英,時至今日則擴大為遍及各階層。使用者群體的擴充,顯示機車使用者的階級與性別關係都有其轉變。為了解此一複雜的歷史轉變,我將1 0 年代至 00 年間區分為三個時期:在第一時期,1 0 年代到1 年的「稀有年代」裡,摩托車的擁有者多是富裕者或男性菁英及其家屬。擁有者也以摩托車展現個人身分地位與陽剛氣質,而女性使用者亦可能從駕駛摩托車的過程中,建立新女性的自我認同。第二時期為1年到1 0 年之間,稱之「轉變的時代」,摩托車使用者的階級由上層菁英逐漸轉變為中下階級。勞工階級以此展現個人身為男人的能力與擔當,而女性使用者則傾向僅視它為工具。第三時期,1 1 年迄 00 年,稱之「相對少數的時代」:相較於速可達(scooter),摩托車成為路上的少數。雖然摩托車成為勞工階級的勞動手段,但某些中產階級也以摩托車來展現有別於一般中產階級的陽剛氣質,同時也為部分女性使用,以此強化與展演陽剛氣質。由此可知,早期擁有摩托車足以彰顯使用者的社會地位與陽剛特質。時至今日,藉由使用者的階級轉變與個體詮釋,摩托車逐漸脫離早期作為社會地位的意涵,進而呈現各種迥異的陽剛氣質展現。以此,不僅說明陽剛氣質、技術物與階級之間存在相互形塑的關係,也窺見陽剛氣質的歷史性與多樣性。


During the 1 0s, motorcycles symbolized elite masculinity in Taiwan. Today, however, motorcycle riders do not only include wealthy men, but also men and women from different class backgrounds, marking an important historical shift. In this article, I explore what led to this shift:
the changing relationship between motorcycles, masculinity, and class. The
research materials I use in my analysis include advertisements, newspaper
articles, and interviews with motorcycle users.This article is divided into three periods: 1 0-1 , 1 -1 0,and 1 1- 00 . In the first period, motorcycle riders were predominatelywealthy elite men, with women riders constituting only a small minority.At the time, men rode motorcycles to display their identity, status, and masculinity while women rode motorcycles to embody the new image of the modern woman’.In the second period, riders were no longer predominately elite men,but men of diverse class backgrounds, including the working and peasant classes. Through owning a motorcycle, the latter were now also able to display their masculinity and prove that they were responsible men; for women, on the other hand, the motorcycle became simply a means of transportation.In the final period, scooters mostly replaced motorcycles on Taiwan’s streets. But while working-class men began using motorcycles primarily to earn a living, a few in the middle class still used them to perform masculinity, distinguishing them from traditional middle-class men.Finally, some women began using motorcycles as a way to display and strengthen their masculinity.
