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篇名 高雄市「客語生活學校」之政策「執行過程」分析
卷期 11:2
並列篇名 The Policy Implementation Process of “Hakka Language School” in Kaohsiung City
作者 藍於琛潘蓉慧高菊珠
頁次 071-087
關鍵字 政策規劃政策執行執行結果客語生活學校高雄市Policy FormationImplementation ResultsImplementation ProceHakka Language SchoolKaohsiung City
出刊日期 201012


民主化後的台灣,非主流文化自我意識蓬勃發展,多元文化主義已逐漸成為全民共識。行政院原住民委員會及客家委員會相繼成立、「客家基本法」的通過,不僅確立了多元文化邁向法制化的里程碑,更顯示出台灣社會對於非主流文化的重視與認同。然而對非主流文化的地位、權利的承認與尊重,卻無法確保其語言免於瀕臨流失的重大危機。為此,義務教育中增設「鄉土語言教學」便成為政府維護非主流文化的主要因應政策。然而,公共政策規劃過程/立法與執行結果之間常存在著落差與發生預期之外的結果。在政策「規劃」與「結果」之間的中介變項是「執行過程」,其主要受到「組織與組織間的執行」、「基層官僚行為」與「標的團體行為」三項因素之影響。本研究以行政院客委會於2003 年開始推動至今的「客語生活學校」政策為例,選擇閩南族群為主流都會區的高雄市為研究對象,藉由個案的探討,分析「客語生活學校」在政策執行過程中基層官員與標的團體行為的轉變,以及所產生的非預期政策結果。初步研究發現,「客語生活學校」之政策執行過程中,行政首長的政策理念與貫徹的決心,增進了高市客委會及教育局之間的執行效率;客語資源中心的設置更是讓客語教學朝向制度化發展,大幅提升了高雄市中小學辦理「客語生活學校」的數量。而辦理的績效、推動者的使命以及參與競賽的成就感,繼續強化與持續基層官員與標的團體的參與動機及行為。標的團體的行為轉變包含對於族群的認同、多元文化的觀點以及多元活潑的教學方式為其持續選修客語之主要考量。閩南族群選修客語的學生穩定增加並獲得家長團體支持則是非預期的積極性政策結果,顯示對於多元文化主義的接納與認同。


After Democratization, the long suppressed ethnic subcultures have been
revitalized in Taiwan. Multiculturalism not only has become a consensus
nowadays, but also been institutionalized through the legislation of laws
safeguarding minority rights and the establishment of governmental agencies like The Council for Hakka Affairs and The Council for of Indigenous Peoples.However, these endeavors of recognizing and respecting minority cultural status and rights cannot effectively avert the trend of gradually vanishing of the minority languages in Taiwan. For this reason, the “Mother tongue learning” in the obligatory education has been adopted as one of the major policy responses.Academic research has found that policy implementation process served as intermediate variable between policy formation and implementation results. The implementation results are thus indirectly affected by this implementation process andimplementation process consists of behaviors of “inter-organizational implementation”, “bureaucrats” and “target group”. This research focuses on the policy implementation of “Hakka Language School” in the primary schools in Kaohsiung City started from 2003. By using methods of case study, literature review, in-depth interview, and participant observation, we purposively analyze the policy implementation process of
“Hakka Language School” in order to evaluate and explain the policy
implementation which is crucial in determination of the policy outcomes.research
