
測驗學刊 TSSCI

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篇名 「高中職生個人知識論信念量表」之編製與驗證
卷期 57:3
並列篇名 Development and Validating the Personal Epistemological Beliefs Scale for Senior High School Students in Taiwan
作者 許嘉家詹志禹
頁次 433-458
關鍵字 個人知識論信念結構方程模式量表發展驗證性因素分析Confirmatory factor analysisPersonal epistemological beliefsReliabilityStructural equation modelingValidityTSSCI
出刊日期 201009


個人知識論信念是關於知識的來源、性質、結構、可變性、學習方式、學習速度等各方面的看法,對於這些概念的認定,將影響到教育上的許多作為,因而,如何有效的測得個人知識論信念,乃成為一個基本但重要的議題。本研究擬發展的「高中職生個人知識論信念量表」,係以Schommer 的個人知識論信念理論觀點為根基,該理論不但含有哲學上的知識論意涵,也融入在教育心理學上所關心的學習議題,共包含五個因素:知識的確定性、知識的簡單性、無所不知的權威、學習能力天生,以及學習速度快。透過預試及正式施測的信效度之評估,試圖建立合適之
測量工具。本研究以台灣北、中、南三區進行分層抽樣,共七所高中及三所高職,計有803 人。然在進行二階驗證性因素分析時,因完全排除有勾選類別選項的受試者,故最後可分析之樣本為222 人。研究結果顯示,透過內部一致性信度檢驗及團體區辨效度、二階驗證性因素分析適配評估,顯示本量表具有良好的信度值(總量表信度為.906)及適配度;文末提出本量表發展上的相關建議。


Personal epistemological beliefs mention about the beliefs in nature of knowledge,knowing and learning. Different beliefs in personal epistemology might lead to different educational decisions. That is, understanding about ones’ personal epistemological beliefs plays an important role in education. Consquently, how to measure personal
epistemology efficiently and correctly becomes essential issue. The goal of the study is to develop a reliable and validated personal
epistemological belief scale. The scale content is grounded on Schommer’s thinking about personal epistemology. There are five concepts was included, which are the certainty, the structure and the source of knowledge and the control, the speed of the knowledge acquisition. There are 803 students in seven high schools located in the north, central, and south part of Taiwan investigated.Based on the results of internal consistency reliability testing, know n-group validation and confirmatory factor analysis, we could assert that the personal epistemological beliefs
scale for senior high school students being with acceptable reliability and validation.A few suggestions of the scale development were derived accordingly.
