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篇名 論一九五○年代中科院近代史研究所的學術研究
卷期 48:2
並列篇名 The Academic Research of the Institute of Modern History in 1950s
作者 趙慶雲
頁次 001-048
關鍵字 近代史研究所學術研究通史撰著集體協作the Institute of Modern Historythe academic researchcomposing of general historycollective workMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201006




The Institute of Modern History was the first national research institute
of history after 1949. In the 1950s, these scholars of the institute persisted to the principle that the general history should be based on the monographic study. They were devoted to collecting and compiling historical materials of modern China, laid a foundation of the subject of Modern History of China.Meanwhile, they integrated different kinds of scholars and made the best use of advantages, laid stress on cooperation and neglected personal researches.The research accomplishment was fall far short of people’s expectations. It’s success and failure provided much for thought.
