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篇名 族群認同的建構與挑戰:台灣原住民族正名運動的反思
卷期 48:2
並列篇名 The Construction and Challenge of Ethnic Identification:Review on the Recertification Movement of Indigenes in Taiwan
作者 靳菱菱
頁次 119-157
關鍵字 族群認同原住民族群正名運動文化論述ethnic identificationthe recertification movement of indigenescultural discourseMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201006




There were experienced several stages about indigenous movement in
Taiwan from 1980s to the present. The recertificated issue of ethnic groups is usually influence on the internal politic among indigenes. There were five ethnic groups got recognition in past decade: Thao, Kavalan, Truku,Sakizaya and Sediq. The promoters reconstructed the culture, put on effects in grassroots and asked for the support in specific council. They attempted to express the cultural differences in order to distinguish the others. The sate apparatus permitted and transferred the injustice of ethnic policy into the problems of tribe development.It exists a dilemma in recertification movement. The identification of indigenes was shaped by policies of localization. The characters of electoral and institutional system had set the barriers which the aboriginal issues couldn’t get attention from the public. Is it necessary to build exclusive identification when the indigenes are willing to be patronized and be a part of national image? This movement will encourage the fewer to separate from the minority, and let the claim localize and tribalize gradually. It is worthy to study further about the influence on indigenous politic.
