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篇名 寧鳴而死,不默而生:評介李金銓主編《文人論政:民國知識份子與報刊》
卷期 48:2
並列篇名 Rather Die for Speech than Live in Silence:A Critical Review on C. C. Lee ed., Literati cum Political Commentators: Intellectuals and the Press in Republican China
作者 溫楨文
頁次 211-238
關鍵字 文人論政報刊自由主義新聞民主獨裁intellectuals and politicsjournalismliberalismdemocracytotalitarianismMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201006




The history of modern Chinese literati cum political commentators presumably ranged from Wang Tao’s Universal Circulating Herald in Hong Kong in 1874, till Chu Anping’s relentless criticisms towards the
ruling Kuomington (Chinese Nationalist Party) in Guancha (The Observer)
semimonthly which had been banned in 1948. While Wang desires for a
newspaper editor’s responsibility could be corresponded to a minister in
power, Chu shares the same vision and mission that therefore poignantly
criticizes China under Kuomington as an awful mess. This invented
tradition with newly imported journalism from the west lasts out at least for seventy five years. This is also a marathon relayed by Chinese intellectuals inherited from Confucianism to seek for Liberalism, which is manifested evidentially by the prosperous press market since the early years of Republic of China.The publication of this collection contributes to the emerging scholarly field distinctively. The present essay would review it thoroughly and chronically in terms of major themes and time periods.
