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篇名 膝關節本體感覺功能之比較
卷期 27:1
並列篇名 Comparison of Knee Proprioception in Different Conditions
作者 曾識喬林千禾詹美華
頁次 018-024
關鍵字 膝關節本體感覺角度配對生物力學KneeProprioceptionAngle repositionedBiomechanicsTSCI
出刊日期 200201


背景與目的:根據近年的文獻報導,閉鎖鏈模式下肢體的運動,其本體感覺功能較好。本研究即針對正常年輕人的膝關節,以開放鏈與閉鎖鏈兩種動作模式,測試他們的本體感覺功能,以期了解膝關節之本體感覺功能於不同測試模式下的精確度是否有所不同。方法:受試者包含30名年齡介於18歲至30歲間之年輕人,男性與女性各15人,且須於最近三個月內無下肢肌肉骨骼神經系統方面之疾病。使用電子量角器記錄膝關節於開放鏈與閉鎖鏈模式下主動與被動之關節角度配對誤差值。結果:慣用膝之閉鎖鏈模式膝關節主動角度配對絕對誤差平均值(active Absolute Error; AE)最小,為2.12°;開放鏈模式膝關節主動角度配對絕對誤差平均值(active AE)次之,為2.29°;開放鏈模式下的膝關節被動關節角度配對絕對誤差平均值(passive AE)最大,為3.98°。閉鎖鏈主動模式的變異誤差值(Variance Error; VE)最小,為1.89°;開放鏈主動模式次之,為2.17°;開放鏈被動模式最大,為3.75°。而於平方根誤差值(Root Moan Square Error; RMS)方面,也是閉鎖鏈主動模式的平方根誤差值最小,為2.52°;開放鏈主動模式次之,為2.99°;開放鏈被動模式最大,為4.59°。開放鏈模式被動關節角度配對之絕對誤差平均值、變異誤差值、平方根誤差值各與開放鏈主動模式及閉鎖鏈主動模式,有統計意義的差別(P<0.001)。雖然閉鎖式主動關節角度配對之絕對誤差平均值、變異誤差值、平方根誤差值較開放式主動角度配對之三種誤差值小,但兩者之差未達統計上的差異(P>0.05)。結論:本研究顯示年輕受試者閉鎖鏈模式之慣用膝關節主動角度配對絕對誤差平均值、變異誤差值、平方根誤差值較開放鏈模式之配對絕對誤差平均值、變異誤差值、平方根誤差值小。此結果可提供未來研究者評估本體感覺之參考,至於患者的本體感覺特性,則有待進一步的研究。


Background and purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the difference of knee proprioception while tested under closed and open kinetic chain. Methods: Thirty healthy young subjects were asked to replicate target knee joint angles using active and passive kneeextension movements in open kinetic chain, which completed in sitting and prone (non-axially loaded) positions. Additionally, subjects were asked to push down resistance (about 15% of body weight) completed in supine position through the long axis of the tibia (axially loaded). The testing angle ranged from 0° to 90° of knee flexion and each subject performed three trials in each condition. Absolute error (AE), variable error (VE), and root mean square error (RMS) were the determinant data. Results: The results of this study indicated that young healthy subjects lower error in active closed-chain (AE=2.12°, VE=1.89°, RMS=2.52°) and active open-chain positions (AE=2.29°, VE=2.17°, RMS=2.99°), but showed higher error in passive open-chain positions (AE=3.98°, VE=3.75°, RMS=4.59°). All of the errors are significantly different between the movements in active-closed and in passive-open chain, as well as between that in active and passive-open chain. But there was no significant difference between that in active-closed and in active-open chain. Conclusions: Assessment of knee proprioception in active-closed chain resulted in less error and variance.
