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篇名 日間病房精神病人腹部肥胖問題改善方案
卷期 58:3附冊
並列篇名 Project to Improve Abdominal Obesity in Day Care Ward Psychiatric Patients
作者 劉玉潔王惠瑜黃惠玲陳敏麗
頁次 003-011
關鍵字 腹部肥胖精神科日間病房住院病人有氧運動Abdominal obesityPsychiatric day care inpatientAerobic exerciseMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201106


背景 : 本病房病人腹部肥胖率為 57.14%,且有增加的趨勢。分析原因為:病房動態課程不足、病患活動量少、攝取高熱量及不良飲食習慣、疾病慢性化及藥物副作用、減重動機不足、缺乏對腹部肥胖的危機意識。 目的 : 旨在改善日間病房精神病人腹部肥胖問題。 解決方案 : 針對原因採取以下解決方法:(1) 安排有氧運動課程;(2) 安排飲食、疾病藥物等衛教課程;(3) 舉辦減腰競賽;(4) 製作衛教佈告欄;(5) 有獎徵答。 結果 : 8位腹部肥胖病人平均腰圍減少 2.9 cm,整體腹部肥胖率減少為35.7 %,在 BMI、飲食習慣、認知減重之重要性和動機等方面也得到改善,達到本專案目的。 結論 : 建議可將肥胖預防融入病房常規活動及品管指標,主動提供病人減重概念及定期監控危險因子,並結合家屬的合作,以使醫療品質更臻完善。


Background & Problems: Over half (57.14%) of patients in our ward suffer from abdominal obesity. This rate is on a continuing upward trend. Reasons for such obesity include lack of physical activity classes, inadequate physical activity, high calorie diets and unhealthy eating habits, chronic diseases and drug side effects, poor motivation to reduce weight, and lack of crisis awareness of abdominal obesity. Purpose: This project was designed to lessen the problem of abdominal obesity among psychiatric day care inpatients.Resolution: Resolution measures implemented included: (1) arranging aerobic exercise classes; (2) scheduling classes to teach patients healthy diet habits and knowledge regarding diseases and drugs; (3) holding a waistline reduction competition; (4) displaying health education bulletin boards; (5) holding a quiz contest with prizes for correct answers. Results: The eight abdominally obese patients in the ward achieved an average waist circumference reduction of 2.9 cm and the overall abdominal obesity rate in the ward fell to 35.7%. BMI, eating habits, and awareness of weight loss importance and motivation all improved. The outcome achieved targeted project objectives. Conclusions: We recommend the integration of obesity prevention into routine ward activities and quality control indicators. Nurses should provide patients with weight loss concepts, regularly monitor risk factors, and encourage patient family cooperation to maintain medical care quality.
