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篇名 魯迅〈故鄉〉的寫作技巧探析
卷期 4:1
並列篇名 The research of the Writing Skills in Lu Xun’s “Country”
作者 徐月芳
頁次 005-038
關鍵字 魯迅故鄉寫作技巧主題思想情節結構人物刻劃語言運用Lu XunCountryWriting SkillsThought of MotifPlot Structure Character DescriptionLanguage Usage
出刊日期 201103


魯迅〈故鄉〉發表於 1921年1月,主要描寫辛亥革命後,十年來的中國農民生活及當時的社會結構──帝國主義蠶食鯨吞中國,軍閥林立彼此征伐,連年內戰。官僚統治機構及地主階級又漠視農民,對農民進行層層殘酷的剝削和壓榨,使中國農村經濟瀕臨破產,民生日益艱難貧困,陷於水深火熱中的故事。文中有兩個故鄉,皆以農民閏土為中心,其一是童年的故鄉,描述閏土幼年所嚮往的藍天圓月,沙地種植西瓜,雪地捉稻雞,海邊拾貝殼的歡樂農家景象;其二是現在的故鄉,藉閏土生活於惡劣窮困境遇,烘托出農村的經濟蕭條、農民生活的困苦,使魯迅幼時的夢幻,在現實陽光中被衝破的悲哀。


Lu Xun’s “Country” was released in 1921. It mainly describes the 10 years’ Chinese farmer living after the revolution of 1911. At that time the factions of warlords, who joined the imperialism fighted year after year. The landlord class and the rule of bureaucratic institution pressed the levels of the farmers with cruel exploitation. The Chinese rural economic was on the verge of bankruptcy, the living of the farmers was increasing poverty, and they were caught in a very hard situation.
There are two hometowns in the article. With the center of a farmer Zun -Tu. One is for the past time, it describes his longing in his childhood: the blue sky and the round moon, the rural joyful scene of watermelon planting on a sandlot. The second is for the present time, with the bad poverty situation of Zun-Tu, to set off the contrast of the rural economic bankruptcy and the farmer poverty.It performs the dream of Lu Xun’s children was dashed by the sorrow of reality.
