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篇名 勤慎經營:從檔案論怡親王允祥在造辦處的作用
卷期 26
並列篇名 Careful Operation: Study on Prince Yün一一-Hsiang's Functions in the Imperial Workshops based on Relative Archives
作者 侯皓之
頁次 179-231
關鍵字 允祥活計活計檔內務府養心殿造辦處Yün -Hsiang Crafts Crafts Archives Imperial HouseholdYangxin HallImperial Workshops
出刊日期 201012


怡親王允祥(1686~1730) ,清聖祖康熙帝第十三子,雍正元年(1723),受封怡親王。雍正帝和允祥雖非同母所生,卻自幼晨夕緊處,即使每年塞外居{匙,也形影相依。雍正帝在位期間,允祥對雍正帝一心翊戴,克盡臣弟之道,深獲雍正帝寵信,視為心腹眩股,委任之處甚多,包括「議政關係機密、戶部掌領度支、三庫總理出納、興修截輔水利、管領漢侍衛、諸王子事務、舊部事務、督領圓明園八旗守衛禁兵以及養心殿監理製造」等大小事件,允祥「無不悉心籌畫,慎密敷陳」,可見他謹慎低調的行事作風,深得雍正帝的信任。雍正帝寵信允祥,曾賜他「忠敬誠直勤慎廉明」八字,認為「此八字實不能盡其美善,亦無一毫過量之詞」,反映雍正帝對允祥的信任與友好。
雍正八年(1730) ,允祥嘉逝前,雍正帝委任允祥負責「養心殿監理製造尸,養心殿監理製造指內務府造辦處,創始於康熙朝,是清朝專責內廷交發造辦、修繕器物的機構,因處址初設於養心殿,故又稱養心殿造辦處。允祥兼管期間,大力整頓人事與制度,指示活計的設計和製作,事無鉅細,悉心辦理,提昇造辦處的生產效率與品質,製造出不少出色作品,故雍正帝稱讚允祥做事「處處妥帖,能代朕勞,不煩朕心。」允祥在雍正朝具有非常重要的地位,但關於他在造辦處,的作用與貢獻的研究卻相當有限。本研究藉由清朝檔案、官書文獻以及傳教士書簡等相關記錄,從制度改革、藝術監造、管理模式等層面,深入探究允祥在造辦處的作用。


Prince Yün-Hsiang (the frist Prince 1, Yün -Hsiang, 1686-1730) ,the13th son of Emperor Kangxi in Qing Dynasty, was given the title of the frist Prince 1 in 1723. Although Yongzheng Emperor and Yün -Hsiang were half sibling, they stayed together all the time, and even went together beyond the Great Wall for hunting every year. When Yongzheng Emperor on his throne, Yün -Hsiang was loyal to the Emperor and did his job satísfactorily. Yongzheng Emperor special1y trusted Yün -Hsiang inc1uding confidential political relationships, public and financial affairs, court-appointed works, stipend payment, construction of Chi-fu shui-li, control of guards, affairs about several princes, old palace affairs, commanding the Eight Banner Army who guarded the Summer Palace, and supervision the construction of Yangxin Hall. Careful planning enabled Yün-Hsiang to perform his duties efficienly.Yongzheng Emperor granted him as "Loyal,Honest, Diligent, and lncorruptible", which he thought neither able to fully describe the goodness and beauty of Yün -Hsiang, nor excessively praised Yün -Hsiang. In 1730, Yongzheng Emperor entrusted Yün -Hsiang to be responsible for the supervision and construction of Yangxin Hall, Yün -Hsiang made effort in rectifying the personnel and rules, instructed the crafts design and manufacture, handled all things carefully, improved the production efficiency and quality of the Imperial Workshops, and created many outstanding works. Thus, the Emperor gave him appraisal. Few research work on Yün -Hsiang's role and contributions in the Imperial Workshops. Based on relative records in the archives, official documents, and missionary correspondences of Qing Dynasty, this paper examines Yün -Hsiang's performance in the Imperial Workshops.

