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篇名 Elevated titer and seropositivity of the antibody to human papillomavirus E6 protein in cervical cancer patients
卷期 13
並列篇名 子宮頸癌病患血清中具有高效價與高血清陽性率的抗人類乳突瘤病毒
作者 郭展延李致叡鄭瓊姬張智翔陳子和蔡玉真黃光裕
頁次 001-016
關鍵字 人類乳突瘤病毒子宮頸癌抗E6抗體Human Papilloma Viruses Cervical Canceranti-E6 antibodyTSCI
出刊日期 201107


目前已知子宮頸癌的形成與人類乳突瘤感染有密切的關係。然而,針對比較子宮頸癌病患血清中抗E6、E7 與L1 抗體表現量方面的資料略顯不足。在本實驗中,針對25 位經臨床診斷(依照FIGO 系統診斷為Ib 至IIa 期)罹患子宮頸癌病患組織中,偵測病灶組織人類乳突瘤病毒血清型第18 型非結構性蛋白質E6、E7 與結構性蛋白質L1抗原的表現量。我們利用免疫酵素連結吸附檢測法測量25 位病患和20 位正常個體血清抗E6、E7 與抗L1 抗體的表現量。此外,我們也利用西方點墨法與免疫組織染色法偵測子宮頸癌病患組織中E6、E7 與L1 抗原的表現量。結果顯示,利用西方點墨法與免疫組織染色法已偵測到多數子宮頸癌病人腫瘤組織和相對正常組織含有血清型第18 型E6、E7 與L1 抗原的表現。25 位病患抗E6、E7 與L1 抗體的表現量顯著高於20
位正常個體。此外,病患血清中抗E6、E7 抗體的結合能力高於抗L1 抗體的結合能力。抗E6 抗體的血清陽性率為88%,高於抗E7 抗體的血清抗體陽性率(32%)與抗L1 抗體的血清抗體陽性率(48%)。這些結果顯示,在子宮頸癌病患的血清中具有較高效價的抗人類乳突瘤病毒E6 抗體與抗E6 抗體的血清陽性率。有趣的是,我們發現了19 位抗E6 抗體血清陽性率的子宮頸癌病患,其五年累積存活機率較低。


Development of cervical cancer is associated with human papillomavirus (HPV)infection. However, data on comparison among the antibodies of anti-E6, anti-E7,and anti-L1 in the sera of patients with cervical cancer or HPV infection are very limited. In this study, we examined the expression of HPV-18 nonstructural proteins E6, E7, and the major capsid L1 protein in tissues from 25 patients with cervical cancer at stages ranging from Ib to IIa, based on the FIGO staging system. We also used ELISA to assess the antibodies against the HPV-18 E6, E7, and L1 proteins in the sera
of these patients (patients) and in the sera of 20 healthy individuals (normal). Western blotting and immunohistochemical staining of these tissues confirmed the presence of the E6, E7, and L1 proteins. As compared to the normal controls, the patients’ sera showed higher binding of the anti-E6, anti-E7, and anti-L1 antibodies. The anti-E6 and anti-E7 antibodies showed stronger binding than anti-L1 among all the 25 sera
samples tested. The seropositive percentage of anti-E6 (88%) was higher than that of anti-E7 (32%) and anti-L1 (48%). These data suggest that elevated titer and seropositivity of the antibody to human papillomavirus E6 protein in the sera of cervical cancer patients. Interestingly, we also found that the 19 patients who indicated as anti-E6 seropositivity had a lower 5-year cumulate survival outcome.
