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篇名 Stabilization for High Order Nonlinear Critical Systems
卷期 13
並列篇名 高階非線性臨界系統的穩定化
作者 何肇寶林哲皓
頁次 017-036
關鍵字 非線性臨界系統非線性回饋可控制部份中心流形正規形式Nonlinear critical systemNonlinear feedbackControllable pairCenter manifoldNormal formsTSCI
出刊日期 201107



The aim of the thesis is to study the stabilization of the system x˙ = f(x)+bu.Here the linearization system contains a high order controllable mode. First, by center manifold theory, we can reduce the dynamics of the given system (higher order system) to the dynamics of the center manifold system(lower order system).Second, using normal forms or Lyapunov function, we can find a sufficient condition such that the center manifold system is locally asymptotically stable. That is,we can control u(x) such that the given system is stabilized.
