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篇名 長期照護十年計畫:護理觀點
卷期 14
並列篇名 A Commentary on a Ten-Year Plan for Long-term Care in Taiwan: A Nursing Perspective
作者 蔡誾誾林麗嬋李玉春
頁次 025-032
關鍵字 長期照顧失能護理人力衛生政策長期照顧十年計畫Long-term careDisabilityNursing manpowerHealth policyTen-year plan for long-term care
出刊日期 201106


台灣面臨人口老化的問題,國人對長期照護服務需求與日俱增,對政府規劃並提供完整長期照護體系的期待,日孟殷切。2007年4月3日行政院核定我國「長期照顧十年計畫J(以下簡稱十年計畫),期望據以發展台灣的長期照護制度,解決老化人口照護需求的難題,但此一重大政策研擬過程,有關專業人力發展規劃適切性,有待跨專業團隊的檢驗使更臻周延,本文以十年計畫內容對護理人力推估與運用為例,檢視十年計畫的可行性,並探討台灣長期照護制度的發展過程中,護理人員應擔負的角色與參與的工作,以確認未來努力的方向。本文將就下列四個方向分別討論說明:1.人口老化趨勢所促成照護需求型態之變遷,長期照護需求的增加,護理專業發展所面臨的挑戰與機會;2.回溯過去護理專業參與台灣發展長期照護服務的角色與貢獻; 3.建構實證 基礎的人力推估,落實照顧服務專業的發展;4.護理專業在台灣未來長期照護制度發展與政策研 訂可參與的點與面。


With a steadily aging population and an increasingly large number of frail elderly citizens in Taiwan, the demand for long-term care services has experienced a correlative increase. Policy-making to provide a comprehensive long-term care system has become a major concern for the Taiwanese government. On April 3, 2007, the Executive Yuan issued a 10-year plan for long-term care, which was developed to create a long-term care system in Taiwan that will meet the expanding needs of the ageing
population. Commentary from multidisciplinary health professionals can provide needed insights into issues related to the 10-year plan for long-term care. This article examines the manpower aspects of this plan and investigates the roles and functions of nursing professionals during the policy-making process of long-term care by using nursing manpower estimation. Four key points are addressed in this paper: (1)the challenges and opportunities nursing professionals face with an aging population and the accompanying demand for long-term care services, (2) the participation and contribution of nursing professionals in the development process of a long-term care system in Taiwan, (3) the consolidation of long-term care services through evidence-based manpower estimation, and (4) possible strategies of nursing professionals who are participating in long-term care policy-making.
