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篇名 Performance Monitoring Web Applications via a Mobile-Agent Approach
卷期 5
並列篇名 利用行動代理人機制評審電腦網站之性能
作者 莊閔翔張文貴
頁次 021-041
關鍵字 軟體品保軟體驗證性能評估全球資訊網行動代理人Software quality assuranceSoftware validationPerformance evaluationWorld Wide Web Mobile agentTSCI
出刊日期 200307




Performance testing can reveal the bottleneck and the peak performance of a website, and performance monitoring can make sure that the system is in its best condition. These two processes are becoming more and more important in order to ensure the quality of websites. However, a huge amount of bandwidth is needed to completely evaluate or even monitor a certain website as the process involves continuous exchange of data packages through the Internet. However, we are facing limited bandwidth as the World Wide Web (WWW) gets more and more popular and common,
therefore we introduce the mobile agent technology as a solution.In this research, we investigate the applicability of mobile agent technology to Internet applications, and employ the kernel properties of a mobile agent to propose a performance-monitoring framework in the web environment. The suggested approach holds several advantages such as reducing bandwidth and enhancing robustness of the executing platform. We present with two properties and validate their correctness using one demonstration example. This example is also used to verify the correctness of our framework.
