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篇名 Apply Parallel Bioinformatics Applications on Linux PC Clusters
卷期 5
並列篇名 平行生物資訊軟體在個人電腦叢集上之應用
作者 楊朝棟郭育倫
頁次 125-141
關鍵字 平行計算生物資訊BLASTHMMer個人電腦叢集加速Parallel computingBioinformaticsBLASTHMMerPC ClustersSpeedupTSCI
出刊日期 200307




In addition to the traditional massively parallel computers, distributed workstation clusters now play an important role in scientific computing perhaps due to the advent of commodity high performance processors, low-latency/high-band width networks and powerful development tools. As we know, bioinformatics tools can speed up the analysis of large-scale sequence data, especially about sequence alignment. To fully utilize the relatively inexpensive CPU cycles available to today’s scientists, a PC cluster consists of one master node and seven slave nodes (16 processors totally), is proposed and built for bioinformatics applications. We use the mpiBLAST and HMMer on parallel computer to speed up the process for sequence alignment. The mpiBLAST software uses a message-passing library called MPI (Message Passing Interface) and the HMMer software uses a software package called PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine), respectively. The system architecture and performances of the cluster are also presented in this paper.
