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篇名 陳映真與臺灣的「六十年代」:重試論臺灣戰後新生代的自我實現
卷期 78
並列篇名 Chen Yingzhen and Taiwan's Sixties: On the Self-Realization of Taiwan's Post-War Baby Boom Generation
作者 鄭鴻生
頁次 009-046
關鍵字 陳映真六十年代戰後新生代世代自我實現現代民歌Chen YingzhenThe SixtiesPost-war baby boomerGenerationSelf-realizationModern folksongTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201006




Chen Yingzhen has been regarded as the Taiwan’s utmost representative leftist intellectual. However, this article tries to reconstruct Chen’s historical significance in Taiwan’s Sixties in a broader perspective. Taiwan’s Sixties was a peculiar period. While there was a global youth rebellion, Taiwan’s post-war baby boom generation, who have just been re-educated as Chinese, were going through a cultural “renaissance” and started to practice what they have digested, and to realize their creativities in all aspects, and this could be called the generation’s self-realization. Chen Yingzhen was one of their initiator and leader, and a very significant one. The fact that there were no dominating ideologies during this period allowed room for this wave of creativity to flourish.
