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篇名 影響家長及教師對智能障礙者執行性教育的因素
卷期 117
並列篇名 Factor Impacting Parental and Teacher Willingness to Provide Sexuality Education to Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
作者 林燕卿
頁次 001-006
關鍵字 性教育性能度性溝通行為sexuality educationsexual attitudessexual communication behavior
出刊日期 201012




Most factor impacting parental and teacher willingness to provide sexuality education to children and student with intellectual disabilities.1. Lack for sexual knowledge. They think their children and student have no sexual needs and abilities and condition to breed. They think it is unnecessary for intellectually disabled people’s marriage. They are also worried about they would be attacked or would attack others sexually 2. In sexual attitude is negative. They totally exclude their children and student from sexual behavior, and do not give their sexuality education actively in order to avoid encouraging their interests in sex. If they have to implement sexuality education to their
children and student, it must because they have no choice in some situations. They are worried and consider themselves disability to be sexuality educators.3. In sexual communication behavior, most of parents and teachers lack for subjects and frequencies in communication because they are sensitive and anxious to sex issues and feel uncomfortable in communication usually.
