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篇名 工作滿意、知識分享與工作績效之關聯性研究-以3M 公司為例
卷期 7:2
並列篇名 A Study on the Relationships among Job Satisfaction,Knowledge Sharing and Job Performance:3M LTD. as a Case
作者 林誠高振源Shih, Kuang-hsun
頁次 019-033
關鍵字 工作滿意知識分享工作績效Job SatisfactionKnowledge SharingJob Performance
出刊日期 201009


隨著知識經濟時代的來臨,知識已成為國家、組織與個人之最有價值的資源,組織已從有形資產的管理轉移至無形資產的管理。知識為建構組織競爭優勢之基礎,除需取得知識資源外,更需要組織成員的分享,知識若能有效的被創造、分享、應用與儲存,將有利於創新行為之發生,因此知識分享為組織內重要之價值活動。過去已有許多學者提出員工對於工作滿意與知識分享具有正相關,員工的工作滿意愈高,則知識分享行為的風氣愈好,而員工的知識分享又會影響其工作績效,究竟工作滿意、知識分享與工作績效三者的關聯為何,知識分享對工作滿意與工作績效是否有中介效果,為值得深入探討之議題。有鑑於此,本研究將以重視創新活動之3M 公司的員工為研究對象,探討員工在工作滿意、知識分享與工作績效的表現,以及探討工作滿意、知識分享與工作績效三者的關聯性,所得到之研究結果將可做為公司於經營管理之重要參考依據。


With the coming of the knowledge-economy age, the knowledge was became the best worthy resources. The business management of organization was transferred from tangible assets to intangible assets. Knowledge is the basis to create competition advantage for organization;organization needs to acquire resource of knowledge and needs to share with other member in
organization. If knowledge can be effective used, shared, applied and saved, it will advantage to innovate for organization, thus the knowledge sharing is the most important action of creating value.In the past, there are many researchers to present that job satisfaction have position relation with knowledge sharing, and knowledge sharing will affect the job performance. After all, what are the relationship among job satisfaction, knowledge sharing, and job performance, and whether the
medium effect of knowledge sharing to affect job satisfaction and job performance that issue is worthy to confer. Thus, the study select employees of 3M company as an object of study to confer the display of employees of job satisfaction, knowledge sharing, and job performance, and to confer the relationship among job satisfaction, knowledge sharing, and job performance. The result of the study can present useful information of business management for company.
