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篇名 大學生認知易用性、認知有用性、認知有趣性對數位學習意願之影響—以中華大學為研究對象
卷期 7:2
並列篇名 The impact of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and perceived playfulness on the intention to use e-learning systemsin universities setting: a Chung– Hua university case
作者 夏榕文
頁次 035-047
關鍵字 數位學習科技接受模型認知有趣性認知易用性認知有用性
出刊日期 201009




In the digital era, e-learning have become a trend in the universities. However, it is still important to understand how to improve the usage of e-learning of university students.The aim of the research is to construct a theoretical model about the antecedent variables of intention to use e-campus of university students. The model combines perceived usefulness,
perceived ease of usefulness, perceived playfulness, and intention to use e-learning.Samples were selected from the students of Chung-Hua university. 205 effective questionnaires were collected. Structural equation model’s technique is used to test the model and three hypotheses.
The findings showed that: (1) perceived ease of use has significantly positive influence on intention to use e-learning. (2) perceived usefulness has significantly positive influence on intention to use e-learning.(3) perceived playfulness has significantly positive
influence on perceived usefulness.The findings of the study will offer references to the teachers and e-learning system designers and propose some future research directions.
Keywords: e-learning, technology acceptance model, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use,
perceived playfulness
