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篇名 台灣地區老人的生理疾病多寡、自覺生理健康、社會支持度與憂鬱嚴重度
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 The Relationship of Severity of Physical Disease, Perceived Physical Health and Social Support to Depression among the Elderly in Taiwan
作者 江信男林旻沛柯慧貞
頁次 011-022
關鍵字 生理疾病多寡自覺健康工具性社會支持情感性社會支持憂鬱度Severity of Physical DiseasePerceived Physical HealthSocial SupportDepressionHierarchical Regression Analyses
出刊日期 200506




Objective: The study was designed to examine the relationships of the severity of physical disease, perceived physical health, and social support to depression as well as the differential roles of instrumental and social support among the elderly in Taiwan. Method: During 2002, we conducted a cross-sectional survey by interviewing a random sample of 4049 elderly subjects enrolled in 1989 and followed up in 1993 and 1996. The present study successfully completed the follow up of 2125 subjects. Results: The results illustrated, (1) with depression as a dependent variable, by performing hierarchical regression analyses, severity of physical disease, perceived physical health, emotional social support would directly predict the level of depression. However, the interaction between the severity of physical disease and instrumental social support would influence the degree of depression. (2) Furthermore, we separated the subjects by severity of physical disease into high and low groups, and performed hierarchical regression analyses a second time. The results showed that as to the group with high physical disease, the more instrumental social support they had, the lower degree of their depression. Regarding the group with lower severity of physical disease, instrumental social support would not significantly predict the level of depression. Conclusion: The results of the present study suggested that perceived physical health and emotional social support directly influenced the degree of depression, while the severity of physical disease would buffer the impact of the instrumental social support on depression among the elderly in Taiwan.
