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篇名 差異的聲音:不同性別震災受創者心理社會反應之比較分析
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 Different Voices: Exploring the Difference of Psychosocial Reactions to Traumatic Event between Female and Male Survivors
作者 林耀盛陳淑惠洪福建曾旭民
頁次 031-040
關鍵字 災難創傷症狀性別DisasterTraumaSymptomGender
出刊日期 200506




Objective: This empirical study was undertaken three to six months after the 921 Chi-Chi Earthquake to evaluate the difference of psychosocial reactions to traumatic event between female and male adult survivors. This empirical study was undertaken three to six months after the 921 Chi-Chi Earthquake to evaluate the difference of psychosocial reactions to traumatic event between female and male adult survivors. Method: Three hundreds and twenty four exposed adults completed the self-report measures including demographic and earthquake exposure information, and the Posttraumatic Psychological Reaction Index. Approximately, the ratio of female and male participants were 2 to 1, with a mean age of 44.0±10.0 years. They were residents from Nan-Tou County and Tai-Chung County. Results: Overall, the subjects reported worsening physical and mental health status. At the time of the earthquake as well as three to six months after the disaster, female subjects manifested more somatic" symptoms, but perceived their interpersonal relationships became closer when compared with their male counterparts. In terms of life outlook, relatively equal proportions of female subjects became more optimistic, stayed unchanged, and became more pessimistic. In contrast, nearly forty percent of male subjects became more pessimistic. Conclusion: To understand the survivors' biographical disruptions and trauma transformations, it is worthy to stand at positive and health as well as negative and psychopathology aspects, rather than simply evaluate the victims' psychological reactions to the earthquake from a psychopathological viewpoint.
