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篇名 衝動性之概述 I:人格特質取向
卷期 4:1
並列篇名 A Description of Impulsivity I: Personality Trait Approache
作者 許嘉芬何孟洋
頁次 001-030
關鍵字 衝動性冒險性感官追尋自陳式量表人格典範ImpulsivityRisk takingSensation seekingSelf-reported questionnairePersonality models
出刊日期 200906


目的: 「衝動性」(impulsivity)是一個複雜的概念,日常生活中與衝動性有關的例子,比比皆是。有關此一構念的探討,長期以來一直是心理學家們所關注的焦點,特別是以人格取向為基礎的研究或理論所累積的資料最為豐富。本文的目的即擬透過對各種重要的衝動人格典範及其測量工具的描述,試圖釐清各典範或工具的發展脈絡,以期能提供相關領域的研究及實務人員在執行研究與臨床實務時的參考。方法: 以衝動性有關的人格理論及自陳式量表為基礎,回顧各種測量衝動性的工具。結果:多數與衝動性有關的研究均利用自陳式量表,及仰賴因素分析的技術做為建構衝動理論的基礎,但在有關衝動性的定義與測量方面仍很難取得共識。在定義分歧的狀況下,若再嘗試將相關的理論或構念套用於臨床實務或研究上,往往更使得結果不易解釋或整合。結論:自陳式量表不論在研究或臨床實務上具有資料收集容易及時效性高等優點,因此一份具有良好心理計量基礎且目的清楚的量表,仍極具學術與實用的價值。只是在使用前,實有必要對各種理論與測量工具的發展有基本的體認,方能避免將衝動性誤解為簡單或一成不變的構念,甚至與其他相關的構念混為一談。


Objective: Impulsivity is a complex concept, but there is no shortage of homely examples of it. The investigations of impulsivity have long been the major focus of psychologists, especially in the realm of personality
approach, which has accumulated the most fruitful theories and research data. The aim of the present review was to descripe of several important personality models of impulsivity as well as their related measurement tools. We hope the present article can provide some background information for researchers and practitioners in the relevant fields.
Methods: The present article focuses on several major personality models of impulsivity and reviews of selfreported questionnaires in relation to impulsivity.Results: Although most researchers have employed self-reported questionnaires and factor analytical techniques to constructing their theories, there is lack of universally agreed definitions and measurements of impulsivity. In view of the diversity in defining impulsivity, the attempts to interpret or integrate the results based on any existing theories have proved to be difficult.Conclusion: The use of self-reported questionnaires in research or practice has advantages in simplifying data collection processes. Clearly defined questionnaires with good psychometric properties are useful.However, it’s essential to acquire basic knowledge of the development of various theories and
measurements. Otherwise, it may lead to a false impression that impulsivity is a unified concept with few or no varieties; or even to confuse impulsivity with other related constructs.
