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篇名 中文版睡前激發狀態量表之信、效度探討
卷期 4:1
並列篇名 Validation of the Chinese version of the Pre-Sleep Arousal Scale(PSAS)
作者 詹雅雯陳昌偉楊建銘林詩淳
頁次 051-058
關鍵字 失眠睡前激發狀態信度效度insomniapre-sleep arousalreliabilityvalidity
出刊日期 200906


目的:過去相關研究均指出,睡前過高程度的認知-生理激發對失眠發展和持續有其重要的影響性。本研究目的旨在建立中文版睡前激發狀態量表(Pre-Sleep Arousal Scale, PSAS)之信、效度,作為日後失眠相關研究與治療之用。方法:選取來自社區194位正常睡眠者與279位經會談評估診斷為原發性失眠患者,每位受測者均需完成一問卷題本之填答,包含基本資
料、貝克焦慮量表(Back Anxiety Inventory, BAI)、及PSAS等。此外,共59位失眠組受測者之後接受完整失眠認知行為治療,並於治療後再次完成問卷題本的填答,用以探討此量表是否能測量出治療前後激發狀態的差異。結果:中文版PSAS全量表與分量表均具有良好的內部一致性。驗證性因素分析結果顯示PSAS之構念效度佳。此外,中文版PSAS與BAI間達顯著相關,表示其同時亦具有良好的效標關聯效度。在區辨正常組與失眠組方面,兩組受測者在全量表和兩分量表的得分上皆呈現顯著的差異;於接受失眠認知行為治療後,失眠者睡前之認知與生理激發程度亦顯著地下降。結論:中文版之PSAS具有良好的信、效度,不僅可有效呈現失眠患者在生理-認知過高的激發狀態,同時可有效反映失眠者在接受認知行為治療後激發狀態的改變。因此,該問卷確實具未來臨床及研究應用上之價值。


Objectives: Previous studies indicate that pre-sleep arousal plays an important role in the etiology of insomnia. Self rating scales, such as the Pre-Sleep Arousal Scale(PSAS), have been developed to measure arousal
level prior to sleep. The goal of the current study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the PSAS.Measures: The study recruited 194 normal sleepers from local communities and 279 insomnia patients in northern Taiwan. Insomnia patients were diagnosed through a structured interview conducted by a physician or a clinical psychologist specialized in sleep medicine. All subjects completed a package of questionnaires including the Chinese version of Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and PSAS. In addition, 59 of the insomnia patients went through a six-session CBT-I program. After the treatment, the questionnaires were administered again.Results: The results showed that the Chinese version of PSAS had adequate internal consistency with Chronbach’s αs range from .80 to .89. In terms of validity, two factors (somatic & cognitive arousal) emerged for the PSAS. Moreover, Chinese version of PSAS showed very good concurrent validity with the BAI. It could effectively discriminate good sleepers from insomnia sufferers, and detect the declines of somatic and cognitive hyperarousal resulted from CBT interventions.Conclusion: In conclusion, the results indicated that the Chinese version of PSAS had good internal consistency and validity. It served as a measure of the hyperarousal in insomniapatients, as well as an outcome measure for evaluating insomnia treatment effects, particularly for those that target hyperarousal.
