
本土心理學研究 TSSCI

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篇名 自我發展與利他服務價值觀的融合:華人工作價值的變遷與發展
卷期 33
作者 王叢桂羅國英
頁次 003-057
關鍵字 工作價值價值融合altruistic valueintegration of valuesself-developmentwork values valueTSCITSSCI
出刊日期 201006




The study was intended to depict the work end-value development process of workers who integrate individual-oriented self-development values and relationship-oriented altruistic values. Researchers interviewed 3 male and 5 female part time or full time worker for non-profit organizations. Age of interviewees ranged from 30 to 57 at time of interview. Results suggested that the structural change of social and economic context, the rise of social movements and NGOs, the introduction of western self-actualization theory and concepts, and traditional Chinese philosophical beliefs contribute to the integration of self-development and altruistic values. Interviewees were categorized into 2 subtypes based on their value formation process. Four interviewees regarded altruistic social services as the fulfillment of their innate abilities and inherited values. The other four self-verified and reconstructed their self identities by assisting disadvantaged minorities with whom they had fused identities.
