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篇名 法脈緜延,樂聲薪傳-記澎湖法教呂山派小法出館儀式及其音樂
卷期 10
並列篇名 The Inheritance and Preservation of Ritual and Music: A Case Study of Ritual “Chut-Kuan” in Penghu
作者 馬上雲
頁次 133-152
關鍵字 澎湖傳統音樂常民信仰儀式音樂儀式Penghutraditional musicfolklore beliefritualritual music
出刊日期 201004


澎湖傳統聚落宮廟之活動興盛,隸屬宮廟之儀式人員為法師團體,法師成員來自同聚落裏的住民。每隔數年或因應特定事件,宮廟即招收聚落裏的男童作為新成員,「小法出館」即是這批年幼成員,在經過一段日程之基礎訓練後,特地擇日所舉行的成果展現,出館當日執行的儀式包括:請壇、放營、敕符、燒生鉈、操營、結界、請婆、造橋與犒軍等。法師派別在澎湖主要有普唵派與呂山派,雖然目前以普唵派法師居多,但呂山派法師曾傳布到臺灣鹿港並擴及其他地區,乃臺灣呂山派法師源頭之一,故自有其重要性,此外,瞭解呂山派儀式音樂,將裨助對澎湖法教儀式音樂有更完整的認識。本文即以呂山派小法於出館日執行之諸多儀式作為研究對象,藉由觀察小法出館的內容,窺探一名小法需要具備的基本儀式與音樂能力,同時初探呂山派音樂之梗概,因為安排於小法出館裏的諸多儀式,其中多項也正是日後宮廟舉行常年行事,或是慶賀宮廟神誕、入火等大典裏的儀式項目。文中觀察個案為馬公市山水北極殿,實地調查日為2006 年10 月6 日,出館之小法乃該宮廟第十五屆法師成員。由於呂山派儀式音樂除了法師固有之音樂傳統,若干儀式尚加入澎湖當地傳統音樂,因此文末將從信仰推動儀式、儀式匯集並傳承法術知識與傳統音樂的觀點,討論澎湖宮廟法教儀式在傳統藝術文化資產裏的定位。


The priests of village temples are Hua-Su(法師)in Penghu. They recruit the young boys to join the priest group every several years. These boys, who are called “Siau-Hua” (小法), have to learn basic magic skills, such as the operation of magic tools, the practice of certain action, and the chanting of mediumistic text. “Chut-Kuan” (出館)is a series of rituals , including Chang-Tuang(請壇), Pang-Iang(放營), Ti-Hu(敕符),Chau- Iang(操營), Keh- Kai(結界), Cho-Kio (造橋), and Kho–Kun(犒軍),…etc. Siau-Hua have to perform these rituals to the public within a day-time. Through the presentation of these rituals, they show what they have learned during the primary stage. The sects of priests in Penghu are Po-An(普唵) and Lu-Shan (呂山). Based on the example of the local temple of village Shan-Sui (山水), this paper will focus on the sect of Lu-Shan to describe the ritual and music of “Chut-Kuan”, and to scrutinize the basic music and ritual ability of Siau-Hua. Besides the repertory of Hua-Su’s chants, the system of traditional music, such as the tunes of Nanguan, is included in the ritual music; consequently, I’ll discuss the effect and importance of temple rituals to preserve the traditional music and culture.
