
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 生成-書信:張愛玲的創作-演出
卷期 18
並列篇名 Becoming Eileen Chang-Her Letters: A Writing, or a Performance
作者 蘇偉貞
頁次 213-248
關鍵字 張愛玲生成書信事件路徑Eileen Chang,Becomingletterhappening,pathsTHCI
出刊日期 200911


張愛玲是在一九五五年赴美至一九九五年辭世,長期過著封閉隔絕甚至居無定所的日子,她逝後,生前所寫大量書信陸續披露,然檢視歷來張學研究,對此課題的研究並不多見,促發了本文展開初步探討。張的書信絕多作為敘事手段,歸納敘事內容,便看出書信背後的事件是導致寫信極重要的驅力,影響至深的事件有二,一是跳蚤事件、二是任職加州大學中國研究中心的「詞語事件」。前者對張愛玲造成心理困擾,成為她長期不斷移動遊牧的元兇,後者則是啟動她離開舊金山搬到洛杉磯進入移動境遇的關鍵。本文嘗試先分析「跳蚤事件」始末,再探究「詞語事件」原委,但我們不能忽略,張愛玲在新大陸經常改變發信地點,涉及了以何種身分上路?移民、流浪、逃亡還是遊牧?無論何者,都指出張不斷移動的創發與重要性,根據德勒茲(Gilles Deleuze)和瓜塔里(Félix Guattari)「生成是一個運動過程」的移動主張,提供本文論證的依循根據,所謂移動即運動生成即書信敘事的創作生成,而邊走邊寫信則畫出一條路徑。本文有意證明如果釐清張愛玲書信中重要事件經緯,就能找到張愛玲小說-書信-人生相關的詰問與答案。


Eileen Chang lived in an isolated life as a wanderer since 1955 she left for America, and her private letters were revealed after her death in 1995, however, it didn't attract too much attention in studies, which should not be ignored. According to her letters, I found out that most of her letters are a specific narrative of her life. In other words, what happened to her leads her to write into letters. There are two important events that she suffered a lot. First of all, the "flea" event, then, second, the glossary event happened when she worked in Center for Chinese Studies at University of California, Berkeley. The Former troubles Eileen psychologically, and results in her capricious life as a wanderer; Also, the latter is a turning point that made her leave San Francisco for Los Angels and started her moving life. This essay seeks to figure out the truth of both flea event and glossary event. Besides, since she always changes her place, her identity is hard to definite. For instance, an immigrant, a wanderer, a fugitive, or a nomad seems couldn’t best described her situation. To sum up, no matter which identity she is, it all indicates the fact that she kept roaming around. According to the theory of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, they claimed that becoming is a movement's procedure. Therefore, Elieen's changing place is equal to this kind of movement which leads to her writing and specific narrative in her letters. To summarize, her letters draws the paths which implied her journey in real life. In conclusion, this essay tries to improve the great connection between her letters and reality, by doing this, we can further understand Eileen Chang, about her novels, letters, and life.
