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篇名 噶瑪蘭族的遷徙傳說試探
卷期 7
並列篇名 A Pilot Study on The Migration Legend of Kavalan
作者 游 蕙 菁
頁次 067-089
關鍵字 原住民平埔族噶瑪蘭族遷徙傳說aboriginesPepoKavalanmigration legend
出刊日期 200909


積極努力於噶瑪蘭復興運動的偕爸爸—偕萬來先生,於2008 年12 月因病辭世。他畢生致力於噶瑪蘭族的正名,及尋根宜蘭、找尋噶瑪蘭族後裔,發揚噶瑪蘭族文化為志業。2006 年12 月,筆者到新社和偕萬來先生作了一次簡單的訪談,他侃侃而談自己一生的努力過程,藉豐濱鄉任公務之職,找尋姓偕的噶瑪蘭族後裔,並闡述關於目前噶瑪蘭族的近代歷史及文化現況。印在耆老腦海中的幾乎沒有充滿浪漫瑰麗之思的神話,大部分的印象都是耆老們的爺爺為何從宜蘭被迫遷徙至花蓮新社的真實史事。偕爸爸藉著尋根之旅,探查自己的根;而筆者則試圖著墨在神話的部分,從傳說中探尋噶瑪蘭族的始祖起源,如何從海外來到宜蘭,再一步一步的遠離蘭陽平原。他們種下的根,究竟是開枝散葉,還是從此式微?筆者試圖從族人的遷徙足跡裡,尋找曾經在這塊土地上發光發熱的蹤影,從遷徙的傳說裡,尋族人的根。因噶瑪蘭族的遷徙傳說,和其歷史息息相關,故本文從歷史裡看族人的遷徙,對應到族人的傳說,探析其口傳故事的特色,和曾留在這塊土地上努力的痕跡。


The father of Kavalan renaissance, Jie Wan Lai, passed away from illness in December, 2008. He devoted to rectifying on Kavalan, seeking out the Kavalan descendant in Yi-Lan, and enhancing Kavalanese (Kavalan’s) culture. In December, 2006 Dr. Kai spoke with fever and assurance on the process of his efforts all his life. Being in a public position, he sought the progeny, history, and culture of Kavalan in modern times.There were no romantic legend in the grand old man. Most impression was on
the real history, how and why grandpa did forced to migrate from Yi-Lan to
Hualien. By the journey on Jie Wan Lai’s finding root, the study focused on the legend. In the beginning is to find out the early ancestor of Kavalan. Then, how did they arrive at Yi-Lan? Finally, they left Plain Lan-Yong step by step. Were these origins branches and leaves or withered? The study is the pilot on tracing to Kavalan’s migration trace and to find the glory which had been existed, and to find the original root from the legend.Because the Kavalan’s migration legend is related to history, the study explores the legend on the hard working characters in the land.
