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篇名 年光一瞬最堪哀──葉小紈詞析論
卷期 5
並列篇名 The Most Sorrowful Time──Study On Ye Xiaowan’s Cishi Poems
作者 蘇 菁 媛
頁次 049-064
關鍵字 葉小紈葉小紈詞午夢堂詞人晚明閨秀詞人明清才女Ye XiaowanYe Xiaowan’s Cishi Poemslatter Ming dynasty female excellent poet
出刊日期 200903


葉小紈(1613-1655),字蕙綢,吳江(今屬江蘇)人。葉紹袁與沈宜修次女,曲壇盟主沈璟孫媳,諸生沈永楨妻。葉小紈後其姊葉紈紈、三妹葉小鸞與母親沈宜修二十餘年而卒,不僅飽嘗家人一一逝去的未亡人之悲,且經歷朱明覆滅,父親攜弟棄家入杭州為僧的家國之變,故終身鬱鬱寡歡。如此的身世際遇,加上其本身所具有的睿敏思緒與文藝素養,發而為詞,自能成就其詞作的高度與深度。本文分別從內容、形式技巧與風格深入探討小紈僅存的 12 首佚詞。從內容而言,除一般閨秀詞常見的對節令風物歌詠的題材之外,午夢堂家族繁盛的文藝風氣與不幸的人生際遇,亦可在小紈詞作中尋得蛛絲馬跡。而在養成教育與身世遭遇的相互影響下,小紈詞作在形式技巧上亦達情景相稱與善用修辭之效。從整體而言,小紈詞作淡雅有致,展現了黯淡幽婉的基調,更有部分詞作,深深注入身世之感,尤其在國破家亡後的作品,更見其超越姊妹的恢宏視域與綿長情韻。希望本文能為開展淹沒於雜劇《鴛鴦夢》與歷史塵埃中的小紈詞才貢獻些許菲薄的心力,從而使學界在明清女性文學版圖的認識上,能稍見這位千古傷心人的潛德與幽光。


Ye Xiaowan(1613-1655) was the daughter of Ye Shaoyuan(1589-1648)and Shen Yixiu(1590-1635). She accepted the good literary arts of education since childhood, she had the extremely high achievement in the literature creation.This article separately discussed 12 Cishi Poems from the content and the form skills. Being as for the whole, Ye Xiaowan’s Cishi Poems displayed the dim full of hidden implication style. But there were some Cishi Poems displayed the strong open meteorology.It’s the writer’s wish that the article could develop Ye Xiaowan’s literature
achievement which was neglected for a long time.
