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篇名 臺灣地區中小學公辦民營政策實施之研究
卷期 創刊號
並列篇名 The Study on Policy Implementation of Privatization in Elementary and Secondary Schools in Taiwan
作者 賴志峰
頁次 035-053
關鍵字 學校公辦民營公辦民營學校教育政策school privatizationprivatized schooleducational policy
出刊日期 200810


民國88 年2 月3 日公布之《國民教育法》修正條文公布,賦予地方縣市政府訂定國民小學及國民中學委由私人辦理之相關法令,臺灣地區目前適用公辦民營法令之學校,計有4 所學校正式招生。本研究主要目的在於探討和分析學校公辦民營政策制定目的、立法意旨、學校屬性定位、評鑑、模式、現況、面臨困難和未來發展。基於訪談17 位公辦民營學校校長、教師、家長、教育行政人員及學者專家,提出本研究之結論,並進而提出近程策略為:公辦民營學校持續發展其特色、建立合適的評鑑機制,中程策略為:儘速完成公立國民小學及國民中學委託私人辦理條例之立法、依公辦民營模式不同採取適合的屬性定位,至於長程策略則是:依地方特性及需要增設公辦民營學校、訂定教育政策影響評估辦法。


The local governments have the power to make the decrees, which was delegated according to the revision of Compulsory Education Law in 1999. There are four schools applied to the decrees. The research aimed to analyze the purpose of the policy and the law regarding school privatization, the school orientation towards being public or private, and
the evaluation of schools and to explore the models, current situations, problems, and development of school privatization. There are 17 interviewed, including principles,teachers, and parents, staffs preparing for privatization, experts, and administrative officials.Finally, this research concluded and proposed strategies as follows: (1) Short-term strategy is to develop the distinctive character of privatized schools, establish appropriate evaluation mechanisms, and enact the Commissioning the Operation of the Public Elementary and Secondary Schools to Private Sector Law. (2) The mid-term strategy is to adopt proper school orientation towards being public or private. (3) The long-term strategy is to set up more privatized schools, and constitute the regulation of evaluating the impact of educational policy.
