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篇名 與數學有關的中文圖畫故事書之評鑑及教學策略探究
卷期 創刊號
並列篇名 The evaluation of mathematics-related picture books and an exploration of teaching strategies
作者 袁媛
頁次 053-071
關鍵字 圖畫故事書國小數學評鑑標準教學策略picture bookselementary school mathematicsevaluation standardsteaching strategies
出刊日期 200810


本研究目的在評鑑國內與數學有關的中文圖畫故事書資源,並探討將其融入國小數學的教學策略。在120 本與數學有關的中文圖畫故事書中,透過內容分析評鑑後,有67 本(55.9%)列為推薦類,有53 本(44.1%)列為不推薦類。研究發現,明顯將數學概念融入於故事情境中的圖畫故事書,在教學時較能引發數學內容的學習,且容易設計一系列的學習活動以強化學生數學概念的建立。經文獻分析整理,本研究提出使用與數學有關的兒童圖畫故事書的教學策略有:提供一個數學在生活中實際被使用的情境、示範創意經驗、提供布有趣的數學問題資源、使用故事中的情節發展數學概念與技能、用成對圖書介紹同一概念、數學文獻的批判與編修與角色扮演。


The purposes of this study were to evaluate math-related picture books in Taiwan as resources for teachers and to explore effective strategies that can be used in integrating math-related picture books into mathematics teaching. One hundred and twenty books were evaluated.Sixty-seven (55.9%) were recommended to be used in teaching mathematic, and 53 books
were not recommended. Those picture books with the property of integrating mathematics concepts into story contexts were easy to be used to motivate mathematics learning and to design activities for promoting conceptual understanding. Base on results from reviewing literature, the strategies that can be used to teach mathematics with these picture books were providing a context, modeling a creative experience, posing interesting questions, developing concepts or skills, using book pairs, literary criticism and editing, and role playing.
