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篇名 教師全球議題知能與專業發展需求之關係研究─以國中自然與生活科技領域為例
卷期 創刊號
並列篇名 The Relationship between Global Issue Knowledge and Ability,And Professional Development Needs of Junior High School Teachers in Natural Science and Living Technology Field
作者 林素卿龔心怡白東益
頁次 073-098
關鍵字 全球議題知能教師專業發展需求自然與生活科技領域教師global issue knowledge and abilityteacher professional development needsnatural science and living technology teachers
出刊日期 200810


本研究旨在探討全球議題知能與專業發展需求的關係,以189 位國中自然與生活科技教師為調查對象,研究結論如下:教師對環境議題知覺的程度最高;對人口議題知覺的程度最低。教師在教育專業精神需求之離散程度較大;在教學知能需求之離散程度較小。不同全球議題知能來源在全球議題知能與專業發展需求有顯著差異。教師在新興科技議題、教育議題及資源議題知能程度越高,在教學知能、課程設計知能需求的程度亦越高。全球議題知能來源中的廣播、新興科技議題與教育議題知能對教師之專業發展需求具有預測作用。根據研究發現之結論,提出相關建議。


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between global issue knowledge and ability, and professional development needs.
Questionnaire respondents were 189 junior high school teachers in the field of natural science and living technology from the central Taiwan counties. The results of this study include: first, teachers have the
highest degree of environmental issue and the lowest degree of population issue on the global issue knowledge and ability. Second, the standard division of the teacher professional development needs is the highest while the standard division of the teaching knowledge and ability is the lowest. Third, there are significant differences in global issue knowledge and ability and professional development needs with sources of global issues knowledge and ability. Fourth, the higher knowledge and ability of emerging technologic issue,educational issue, and resource issue are, the higher needs of teaching and curricula design knowledge are. Fifth, the professional development needs can be predicted by sources of media and global issue knowledge and ability of emerging technological issue and educational issue. The suggestions are also concluded.
