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篇名 從知識表徵探討注音符號教學策略之運用
卷期 創刊號
並列篇名 Examine the employment of the strategy for the instruin phonetic symbols, an approach centering around ction knowledge representation
作者 林怡呈
頁次 099-114
關鍵字 知識表徵注音符號knowledge representationphonetic symbols
出刊日期 200810




Phonetic symbols communicate abstract meanings. Learning such a system of abstract symbols is a challenging task for first graders to accomplish. The teachers can strengthen the pupils' ability to process messages and thus elevate the effectiveness in acquiring these symbols if the teachers use an instructional strategy that has been designed by using different
knowledge representation forms. In the first part of this article, the meanings and operation of knowledge representation are described. The system by which the phonetic symbols are organized and the frequently used teaching methods are examined in the part that follows.Finally, the article puts forth how the instructional strategy can be employed in a manner which is in harmony with the pupils' representation forms.
