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篇名 Impact of the Life Review Program on Elders With Dementia: A Preliminary Study at a Day Care Center in Southern Taiwan
卷期 19:3
並列篇名 生命回顧課程對失智症患者之影響:南台灣老人日間照護中心個案型先驅研究
作者 林儷蓉李冠逸Carla E. S. Tabourne
頁次 199-209
關鍵字 生命回顧失智症日間照護生活品質休閒治療life reviewdementiaday carequality of liferecreation therapyMEDLINEScopusSSCITSCITSSCISCIE
出刊日期 201109


背 景生命回顧課程屬於懷舊療法的一種,旨為協助參與者得以在進行團體生命回顧的過程中找尋自我的價值,並強化其在社會中的自我存在感以及生活滿意度。目 的本先驅研究的目的在於檢視一個以台灣老人為對象之生命回顧課程,對於患有輕中度失智症的參與者,其在課程參與前後的生活品質自覺是否有所改變。其次則是探討參與者失智程度的輕重是否會影響課程的成效。
方 法採單組前後測之前實驗設計,以立意取樣方式,篩選出七位符合資格之課程參與者,徵得其同意後,在每位受試者參加以休閒治療為手法的生命回顧課程之前後,接受生活品質問卷調查(SF-36)之個人訪談。結 果結果顯示,參與者的生活品質在身體健康及心理健康覺知上,於課程後有略為提升的趨勢,惟未達統計上的顯著水準。再以認知程度為區分,中度失智的參與者其在身體功能的自覺改善上略優於輕度失智的參與者,但亦未達顯著意義。實務應用未來相關的研究應增加樣本數及延長介入方案的期間,並且採取多面向之生活品質調查方法,以加深研究之嚴謹程度。本研究也對生命回顧課程的前置準備及執行過程提出改善建議。


Background: Life review, a type of reminiscence therapy, assists participants to seek personal value in order to enhance social status and maintain a high quality of life (QOL).Purpose: This study aimed to examine the impact of an adaptive life review program (LRP) on perceived QOL in elders with mild to moderate dementia at a day care center and assess the effect, if any, of different cognitive impairment levels
on intervention outcome.Methods: This pre-experimental design used a single group of seven subjects for pretest and posttest and purposive sampling at a 2-week interval. Researchers administered to each
subject a 10-day therapeutic recreation program modified from Tabourne’s (1991) LRP.Results: Posttest results found no statistically significant improvements.However, subjects reported higher mean scores
of perceived QOL as measured by the 36-Item Short Form Health Survey. This finding indicated a trend of improving physical and mental health after the intervention. In addition, subjects with moderate cognitive impairment reported a higher improvement in physical health perception than did subjects with mild cognitive impairment.Conclusions/Implications for Practice: Future research should include a larger sample size and a longer period of intervention and adopt multiple dimensions of QOL measurements to increase research rigor. Suggestions from this study can be used to improve the LRP.
