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篇名 中藥治療老年人慢性便秘之病例報告
卷期 17:2
並列篇名 Chinese Medicine Treatment of Elderly Patients with Chronic Constipation : A Case Report
作者 李高魁邱碧瑩
頁次 127-137
關鍵字 便秘氣陰兩虛白朮黨參補氣運脾constipationQi and Yin DeficiencyAtractylodesCodonopsisQi admission,governing transportationtransformation
出刊日期 201106


本案例是一位81 歲男性患者,21 年前曾接受咽喉部腫瘤手術,其後說話需用力方能發出嘶啞音,於99 年6 月前來中醫門診,主訴便秘已久近半年來加重;自覺排便困難、無力解,質硬,腹部無脹痛、便血,無痔瘡;長期服用sennoside 瀉劑通便,雖食量與活動量無改變,但一年多來體重逐漸減輕達10 公斤,經排除器質性病變後,中醫辨證認為其屬氣陰兩虛型便秘,處方重用白朮、黨參補氣運脾合滋陰增液潤腸之藥,逐漸改善其便秘情況,中醫藥治療至今,不僅停服刺激性瀉劑,初起使用的中藥通下藥也逐漸減量,不但精神氣色增進,體重不再下降反能緩慢增加了3 公斤。此為發揮中藥具補益的功能,擅長調治虛性便秘的優勢,針對老年人便秘屬氣陰兩虛類型,標本兼治,幫助其減少瀉劑依賴之有效案例。


This is a 81-year-old male who suffered from chronic constipation for a long time and more severe the past six months although using sennoside help to defecate. He had be forced to speak not be issued until hoarse voice due to throat cancer surgery since 21 years ago. On June 2010 he asked traditional chinese medicine treatment for defecation disorder, weak bowel movement , and stool hard. He denied any abdominal pain, bloody stool, or hemorrhoids. He suffered from body weight loss of 10 kg within one yesr and no decrease in food intake and activity levels. After consultation,the TCM doctor prescribed An Atractylodes, Codonopsis (Qi admission,governing transportation and transformation) ,combined nourishing yin moistened cathartic formula for his patterns of Qi and
Yin Deficiency and intestine disorder. He gradually improve constipation and the body weight loss started to subside even had an increase of 3 kg during nine months. This is a successful case of treating elderly chronic constipation by nourish of chinese medicine.
