
臺北大學法學論叢 TSSCI

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篇名 從康德的「定言令式」看複製人的法哲學問題-評人類胚胎及胚胎幹細胞研究條例草案刑罰條款
卷期 79
並列篇名 Human cloning Debate: Focus on The Embryos and Embryonic Stem Cell Research in the Legal Philosophy of Categorical Imperative Proposed By Kant-The Study on Penal Provision of The Embryos and Embryonic Stem Cell Research Bill
作者 陳文貴
頁次 001-046
關鍵字 胚胎幹細胞複製人法哲學定言令式刑罰條款行政罰EmbryoEmbryo stem cellHuman cloningLegal philosophyCategorical imperativePenal Provisionadministrative punishmentTSSCI
出刊日期 201109


自從桃莉羊(Dolly the Sheep)在1996年7月5日誕生之後,進而引發以人類胚胎及胚胎幹細胞進行複製人研究之倫理爭議。目前世界各國關於複製人之研究大都採取禁止的態度,我國行政院亦於2008年7月24日通過「人類胚胎及胚胎幹細胞研究條例」草案,將送請立法院審議。根據 1997年,《時代》雜誌與CNN合辦的一項投票發現,在1,050位美國人中,對於「複製人類是否違反上帝的旨意?」這個問題時,有74% 的人答「是」。但是,科學要進步,就必須要在論定成敗之前給予機會。本文即試從哲學的角度,以德儒康德所提出的「定言令式」公式來分析有關複製人的倫理爭議,提供立法者從法哲學的角度來看一項新興科技所涉及的法律管制問題的另一種思考模式。


The ethical controversy on “Human Cloning” which is conducted with the
human embryo and the embryo stem cell occurred with the birth of “Dolly the Sheep” on July 5, 1996.The “embryos and embryonic stem cell research bill” is passed by the Executive Yuan of the Republic of China and is delivered to the Legislative Yuan while presently most of the countries still insist on the standpoint of inhibition. According to the poll held by Time Magazine and CNN in 1997, 74 percent of 1,050 Americans answered “yes” to the question “Is it against God's will to clone human beings?” However, for the advance in technology, opportunities must be given before we draw the conclusion. This paper is trying not only to analyze the legal philosophy debate on human cloning by the theory of the Categorical Imperative proposed by Kant but also to provide legislators another thinking about the control of the emerging science in the viewpoint of legal philosophy.
