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篇名 近代光學影像顯微術
卷期 15:5
並列篇名 Modern Optical Microscopy
作者 駱遠蕭輔仁蔡瑞章
頁次 463-467
關鍵字 光學醫學影像光學顯微術opticsmedical imagingoptical microscopyTSCI
出刊日期 201109


「光」是我們日常生活必備的元素。近幾年來,「光學」更在醫學領域上逐漸成為主流技術。藉由光學影像顯微術,可以彌補超音波與 X-ray技術的不足,提供癌症初期診斷之關鍵資訊。因此熟悉具備快速、高解析度(high resolution)的光學醫學影像系統,成為當今格外重要的研究課題。本文將介紹現今具備高解析度(小於 10 微米)之醫學影像技術,包括共軛焦顯微鏡(confocal microscopy)及光學同調斷層攝影(optical coherence tomography)。最後將提及另一新型光學影像顯微術:體積全像顯微術(volume holographic microscopy)。


“Light” is considered a necessity for our daily life. Along with recent advances in “optics”, imaging techniques based on light has gradually become the mainstream in biomedical applications. Optical imaging can
provide important diagnostic information in the early stage of cancer, which is not available from other imaging techniques such as ultrasound and x-ray systems. Therefore, it is of vital importance to understand and familiar with those optical imaging systems that can acquire high resolution in high speed. This article will review confocal microscopy and optical coherence tomography (OCT), and will briefly introduce one novel technique: volume holographic microscopy (VHM).
