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篇名 分段式雷射在皮膚科之發展與應用
卷期 15:5
並列篇名 The Development and Application of Fractional Laser in Dermatology
作者 曾忠仁陳昭旭邱顯清
頁次 500-506
關鍵字 分段式光熱療法雷射磨皮青春痘疤痕發炎後色素沉澱fractional photothermolysislaser skin resurfacingacne scarpostinflammatory hyperpigmentationTSCI
出刊日期 201109


年,美國哈佛大學 R. Anderson and D. Manstein等人提出 fractional photothermolysis (分段式光熱療法)的理論,開啟了皮膚科雷射治療的新頁。根據分段式光熱療法的理論,各種分段式磨皮雷射也應運而生,不僅可以達到良好穩定的治療效果,更可以減少副作用的產生,本文針對分段式磨皮雷射的理論、分類、臨床應用與副作用等方面做一完整介紹。


The application of laser or photonics in dermatology or aesthetic medicine is becoming more common in these years. Various fractional lasers were developed according to the theory of fractional photothermolysis by Dr. Rox Anderson and Dr. Dieter Manstein in 2004, which has opened a new era for aesthetic laser treatment in this field. Fractional lasers, comparing with conventional lasers, have the advantages of better treatment result and less complication problems. The mechanism, classification, application, and complication of fractional lasers thoroughly discussed in this article.
