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篇名 光動力醫學在牙醫學、婦科及神經外科的應用
卷期 15:5
並列篇名 Applications of Photodynamic Medicine in Dentistry, Gynecology and Neurosurgery
作者 曾嵩斌鄧麗珍許博欽林俊彬蔡瑞章
頁次 507-517
關鍵字 光動力醫學牙醫學婦科神經外科腦瘤photodynamic medicinedentistrygynecologyneurosurgerybrain tumorsTSCI
出刊日期 201109




The clinical application of photodynamic medicine can be divided into diagnostic and therapeutic applications. It has been widely used in detection and treatment of certain malignancy and inhibition of bacterial
or viral superficial infection. This article gives a brief review of its clinical application in dental, obstetrical, gynecological, and neurosurgical fields. In dental field, it can be used to decrease bacterial colonization and infection rate in periodontal diseases. In obstetrical and gynecological field, human papilloma virus-related
dysplasia such as cervical and vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, and condylomata acuminate can be treated using photodynamic therapy. In terms of neurosurgical applications, it is used in surgery and therapy for malignant brain tumors such as the glioblastoma multiforme and anaplastic astrocytoma. The use of fluorescence-guided resection method to guide surgical resection of these tumors can increase complete resection rate and the use of photodynamic therapy as adjuvant therapy has been shown to be effective, both lead to increase survival of these patients. In addition, the bactericidal effect of photodynamic therapy is an extremely effective therapy for multidrug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection which is worthy of further clinical research to widen its
