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篇名 The Investigation of the Elementary School Students' Perception of Gender Equality from English Textbooks
卷期 29:3
並列篇名 由英語教科書談小學生對兩性平等之認知
作者 周怡君
頁次 025-040
關鍵字 兩性平等性別刻版印象性別偏見Gender equalityGender stereotypeGender bias
出刊日期 201009


愈來愈多的女性爭取與男性擁有平等的權力,兩性平等的議題在過去的數十年中,已逐漸的獲得學術界與社會大眾的注意。然而研究顯示,性別的刻版印象或偏見仍存在於兒童的教科書中(Klein, 1985; Law & Chen, 2004; Sadker & Sadker, 1994)。本研究探討國小英文教科書中之兩性平等,及學生對於此議題的看法。以國小英文教科書中之圖片,就兩性分佈的數量及所從事的活動作分析,進而探討教科書中是否存在性別刻版印象或偏見。進而以圖片中可能產生之性別的刻版印象或偏見,設計成三十題之問卷調查,以訪談之方式,詢問小學生對性別議題的看法。結果顯示,在教科書中兩性數量上的分佈已有改善,而某些圖片仍存有性別不平等的現象,而小學生對兩性角色之認知,在外貌上的刻版印象已逐漸消弭,而其他部分仍存在著偏見,而且也認爲教科書確實對其產生影響。教育工作者的確有必要注意到兩性平等的重要性,並且幫助年輕學子在處理兩性平等問題時,建立起更健康的正面態度。


As more and more women are pursuing equal rights with men, the issue of gender equality has received increasing academic and public attention in the past decades. However, researches illustrated that the gender stereotype or bias was still displayed in elementary school, especially in their textbooks (Klein, 1985; Law & Chen, 2004; Sadker & Sadker, 1994). This study aims to investigate if any gender bias appears in the pictures of English textbooks and how elementary school students perceive about the gender bias. The gender parity and equity were analyzed by the distribution of two genders and different activities they were engaging in each picture. Additionally, based on the possible gender bias disclosed in the pictures, thirty statements of questionnaire were designed to inspect students' perception of gender stereotypes or biases. Among students' perception of gender issues, the stereotype in appearances and characters has gradually alleviated; yet other stereotypical gender-role perception is still common among elementary school students, and most of them confirm the textbooks have made certain impact on it. It is essential for educators to be aware of the importance of gender equality in elementary education, and help youngsters to build the positive attitude in dealing with the relationship among different genders.
