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篇名 技專校院學生英語畢業門檻之態度初探
卷期 29:3
並列篇名 A Preliminary Study of Students' Attitudes toward the Exit English Examination in Technological and Vocational Higher Education in Taiwan
作者 廖熒虹
頁次 041-060
關鍵字 技專校院學生英語能力檢測英語畢業門檻EFL students' higher technological and vocational education system in TaiwanEnglish language proficiency testExit English examination
出刊日期 201009




The research aimed to investigate the opinions and attitudes toward the implementation of the Exit English Examination (EEE) from the perspectives of students in Technological and Vocational Universities or Colleges (TVU/Cs) in Taiwan. Specifically, the necessity and fairness of applying the EEE and some issues generated by the EEE were explored in the respective higher institutions in terms of students' viewpoints. A questionnaire was conducted as a tool to collect data for statistical analyses. Students' variables based on their demographical information were also analyzed to see if the variables influenced their opinions and attitudes about the EEE. The participants involved in the survey were 311 students from 7 universities of technology or institutes of technology in northern and central Taiwan. Five parts were included in this survey: A: Demography; B: Attitudes toward the Implementation of the EEE; C: Attitudes toward the English Curriculum Design, Teaching Materials and Teaching Methods; D: Students' Needs of Alternative Measures of Aligning curriculum with Setting an EEE and E: Reasons for Students' Failing the EEE. Findings indicated: 1. most of the EFL students in general held positive attitudes toward Part D and thought negatively about Part B and Part C; 2. almost a half of the surveyed students (49%) agreed to implement an EEE, 17% did not agree, and 34% fell into the undecided; 3. there were significant differences among students of different demographic backgrounds and the significant variable were gender, passage/failure of the EEE, and grade level (1 to 4) in the respective school; 4. taking the gender as a variable, female students were more likely to recognize the significance of applying an EEE, work harder to pass the EEE, but less satisfied with the English current curriculum than male students; 5. taking passing the EEE or not as a variable, students having passed the EEE were more likely to agree with the implementation of an EEE and the provision of monetary incentives to increase their motivation, were more confident in achieving the goal before their graduation, but were less satisfied with the current English curriculum and did not think it would contribute to passing the EEE; 6. for students who failed the EEE, they felt the application of the EEE could help them elevate their English competence through the assistance in their General English curriculum teaching at school more than students who had passed the EEE could feel in terms of the substantial assistance in English program; 7. taking the grade level as a variable, 69% of the surveyed students were worried about whether they would pass their EEE before graduation, and specifically junior students (79%) worried the most, followed by senior students (73%); 8. continuously implementing the EEE in the Higher Technological and Vocational Education (HTVE) system was essential and could contribute to providing substantial assistance in passing an EEE through the General English curriculum; 9. the results for students' prioritizing the first five reasons of poor performance on the EEE were (a) students' laziness, (b) students' lack of preparation, (c) students' lack of supplemental programs, (d) lack of monetary incentives and (e) inadequate English curriculum. The study suggested that: (a) clearly elaborating on the related procedures and possible alternations of applying an EEE could alleviate parental and student pressure and interference; (b) providing more professional guidance in helping undergraduate junior and senior students to cope with the EEE in the HTVE system who were under more pressure from the EEE than sophomore and freshman students; (c) continuously implementing the EEE in the TVU/Cs was essential; (d) EFL teachers needed to reflect on the possibility of aligning English curriculum with testing (such as the EEE) vertically and horizontally as well as modifying their teaching methods, techniques, and strategies in instructional practice according to students' responses to the ranks of English poor performance othe EEE; (e) the related school authorities needed to reinforce the EEE promotion skills and make the information about the EEE implementation more accessible to students on the website or with fliers and (f) students' lack of supplemental programs, monetary incentives, and adequate English curriculum were students' most-concerned matters about applying an EEE and recommended for the related school authorities' reference. The implications for practice and future studies were provided for teachers and administrators to carry out their EEE effectively and successfully in Taiwan.
