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篇名 影響學生不想買教材的因素之個案研究
卷期 29:3
並列篇名 The Case Study on the Influential Factors of Causing the Students Unwilling to Buy Textbooks
作者 謝宜宸莊坤樺
頁次 061-071
關鍵字 教科書價值觀TextbooksValue
出刊日期 201009




The purpose of this research is to find the reasons why the national university students don't want to buy their textbooks. The main five subjects for the reasons in this article are economic reason, personal value, teachers' influences, individual morality, and study environments. Moreover, understanding how these subjects manipulate students is also considered in this text. The research is accomplished by literatures analysis and questionnaires as well as some statistic techniques such as factors analysis, canonical correlation analysis, ANOVA, and MANOVA. All study limitations are what they are as using these techniques. The results of this article are: students don't want to buy textbooks provide that they unsatisfied the contents that teachers gave or they consider the contents being useless for future professional career. Nevertheless, there are still some active students will buy textbooks. The willing for buying textbooks becomes lower when higher grade of the students. The research also finds that idealism or self-centered students are better in records then realism or moral-unstaunched students. The teacher's factors will affect students' performances. This study also finds that the concepts of intellectual property need to be emphasized to the students for not copying.

